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Agartala Government Medical College
Kunjaban, Tripura- 799006
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Tender List
NIT for Rate Contract for the Supply, install and training of the patient Immobilization System for Radiotherapy department of ABV- Regional Cencer Centre, Agartala, Tripura.
NIT for Rate Contract for the supply and Turnkey Installation of the Latest Digital Telecobalt Machine, Including Buyback and Decommissioning of the Old Telecobalt Machine at ABV Regional Cancer Centre Agartala, Tripura
NIT for Rate Contract for Anthropomorphic phantoms with Flim Analysis Software for Radiotherapy department of ABV Agartala, Tripura
Tender for "Rate Contract for supply of Medical & Surgical Consumable Articles at AGMC & GBPH, Agartala".
Tender for "Rate Contract for supply of Medical Instrument Items at AGMC & GBPH, Agartala".
NIT for Procurement of Equipment's for setting up O.T for starting Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery at the dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery at Super-Specialty Block, AGMC & GBP Hospital.
Corrigendum against Tender ID-2025_OSD_57976_1
SNIQ for procurement certain injectables Eye drop for use at AGMC & GBPH Agartala
SNIQ for procurement certain injectables medicines for use at Emergency department AGMC & GBPH Agartala.
SNIQ for supply of devices at AGMC & GBPH
SNIQ for Procurement of 10 nos of Compatible Oxygen Sensor for use in 10 nos. of Ventilators (Make: Pillips, Model: Triology EV 300) use in the Dept. Of Emergency Medicine and COVID ICU, AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of certain medicines for use at AGMC & GBPH, Agartala
SNIQ for Procurement of certain reagents, consumables for use at AGMC & GBPH, Agartala
SNIQ for Procurement of certain equipment's for use at AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
SNIQ for procurement of certain medicine & consumable for use at Dept, of Medical Gastroenterology, AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
SNIQ for "Supply of consumables for instruments for use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala".
E-Tender for Procurement of Machinery and Equipments for use in AICU under the dept, of Anaesthesia, AGMC & GBP Hospital Agartala, West Tripura,
E-TENDER for Procurement of Plastic Surgery Instruments for use in the Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, AGMC & GBP Hospital Agartala, West Tripura.
NIT “Procurement of Medical & General Consumables for use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala”.
SNIQ for reagents, consumables at AGMC&GBP Hospital, Agartala
Publication of SINQ for emergency procurement of Inj.RL & Inj.NS,500 ml use at AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Notice Inviting Quotation for hiring vehicle for ICMR sponsored project under AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala
E-tender for Procurement of Arthroscopic equipment sets for use in the Dept. of Orthopedics, AGMC & GBP Hospital,Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of certain medicine & consumable for use at Dept. of Medical Gastroenterology in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala
Tender for "Starting the Hospital canteen on rental basis in AGMC & GBPH, Agartala"
SNIQ for Procurement of Barcode (Size not less than 50x25 mm) for use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
Invitation for submitting short quotation for reagents against ICMR Project entitled "Surveillance of Food Borne Pathogen from North-east India at the Dept. of Microbiology, Agartala Govt. Medical College.
Corrigendum regarding vide tender no F.3 (40)-AGMC & GBPH/S&P/ Reagent/pathology/2023-24/sub-1
Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Procurement of 01 no of Tympanometry Machine and 01 no of BERA Machine for use in Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala, Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of Instruments for use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ for Rate Contract of "Quality assurance test and issuance/renewal of licenses from authorizes agencies (every two years as per AERB guidelines) of machines from the Dept. of Radiodiagnosis, AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Procurement of 12 nos of 12 channel ECG Machines for use in the various Dept. of AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
NIT for Procurement of Hiring of 01(one) no Maruti Wagon-R (Petro) vehicle for use as the office Vehicle in favour of principal Agartala, Govt. Nursing College for AGMC & GBP Hospital G+8 Building, IGM Hospital Complex, Agartala.
Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Procurement of 2 (Two) nos of Instrument sets for AV Fistula operation for use in Dept. of Burn & Plastic Surgery, at AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Notice Inviting E-Tender Rate contract for supply of a) Naso Laryngopharyngoscope 1 Set b) Electric Operated Saw System 1 set with accessories of ABV Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala,Tripura.
E-TENDER for Procurement of 01(one) Number of Microdebrider machine use in Dept. of ENT, AGMC & GBP Hospital Agartala
SNIT for Procurement of Digital Hot Air Oven for use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of "Procurements of General items of IEC Materials for creating awareness under the Department of Geriatric Medicine, AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
Notice Inviting E-Tender for "Installation of medical gas pipeline for oxygen, compressed air and vacuum suction.
Corrigendum regarding SNIQ notification for consumables under Influenza Project, Department of Microbiology AGMC & GBPH
Corrigendum for E-Tender No.F.3(253)-AGMC & GBPH/e-S&P/General Articles/2024-25(Tender ID:2024_OSD_55892_1) Dated, 12.12.2024
Corrigendum for E-Tender No.F.3(245)-AGMC & GBPH/e-S&P/2024-25(Tender ID:2024_OSD_55891_1) Dated, 12.12.2024
SNIQ Influenza Project entitled "Pan India surveillance for respiratory viruses through DHR-ICMRVRDL Network 'VRDL, Department of Microbiology, AGMC
SNIQ for Procurement of 10 nos. of Compatible Oxygen Sensor for use in 10 nos. of ventilators (Make: Pillips, Model: Triology EV 300) for use in the Dept. of Emergency Medicine and COVID ICU, EV 3 AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Starting the Hospital canteen on rental basis in AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
E-TENDER for procurement of Plastic Surgery Instruments and Burn ICU Ventilators for use in the Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, AGMC & GBP Hospital Agartala.
NIT For “Procurement of Adhesive Tape, Size: 7.5 cm X 5 Mtrs for use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala”.
NIT for Procurement of reagents for fully automated Hematology cell counter machine on rental basis with free installation of fully automated Hematology cell counter Machine at AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
Notice Inviting Tender for "Procurement of 01 no. of Digital Radiography System for use in the department of Radiodiagnosis, AGMC & GBP Hospital Agartala, West Tripura" at AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Rate Contract for Supply of Consumable, Furniture and General/Stationery Articles at AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Notice Inviting e-Tender for "Rate Contract for Supply of General, Stationery, Surgical, Instrument & Consumable Articles at AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of Double lumen catheter set (Jugular set) for dialysis patients in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala
Cancellation Order of SNIQ Dated 07/11/2024 for Procurement of 100 nos. of Humidifier for making 100 nos. of Oxygen concentrators functional in the department of Medicine, AGMC & GBP Hospital.
E-TENDER for procurement of 01 500MA Conventional X-Ray machine (HF) use in Dept. Of Radio-Diagnosis, AGMC & GBP Hospital Agartala
SNIQ for Supply of various articles at AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of Barcode(Size not less than 50x25 inches) for use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ for Supply of Consumable Items of the AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala
NIT Rate Contract for Operation and Maintenance including supply of Consumable of Central Sterile Supply Department for the Super Speciality Building at the AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
CORRIGENDUM , to replace the SNIQ title " Partition of room at MRU college building, AGMC" in place of ' certain reagents and Laboratory items of Microbiological sample processing' which was floated in a college website.
SNIQ invited by the Principal Investigator for the project entitled "To determine cause of death in infants North-Eastern region of India by minimally invasive tissue sampling technique: An ICMR Task Force study", in the dept. of paediatrics, AGMC & GBPH
NIT for procurement of laboratory and reagents for project entitled "Prevalence of Thalassemia and Glucose-6-Phosphate (G-6-PD) deficiency among the selected autochthonous population of North East India.
Notice inviting E-tender for Physiotherapy machines for use in the Dept. of PMR, AGMC & GBP Hospital Agartala, West Tripura
Short Notice Inviting Quotation for opening & running of a cafeteria on rental basis at AGMC & GBP Hospital premises.
Notice inviting tender for Hiring of 1 no Maruti Wagon-R (Petrol) vehicle used as the office vehicle in favour of Principal, Agartala Govt. Nursing College AGMC&GBP Hospital G+8 Building, IGM Hospital Complex ,Agartala.
Short Notice Inviting Quotation(SNIQ) regarding PCR reagent for Myocarditis of MRU, AGMC.
Tender For Establishment of Pharmacy on 24 x 7 basis for Generic Medicine, other consumables item and Devices at AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Notice Inviting E-Tender for Installation of Medical gas pipeline for oxygen, compressed air and vacuum suction system
Corrigendum for E-Tender No.F.9(11)-MED/RKS/CTVS-IR/GBPH/2022-23. Dated,02.11.2024 Rate Contract for supply of Disposables, Medicine, Suture & Devices(Package Wise)
Notice Inviting E-tender for Establishment of a pharmacy on 24 x 7 basis for Generic medicines, other consumables item and Devices at AGMC & GBP Hospital,Agartala.
Procurement of 2 nos. of Laparoscopic Sets with Instruments for use in the Department of Obst. & Gynae and the Department of Surgery, AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
SNIQ for Gut Microbiota Project and some biomarkers in tribal and non-tribal subjects attending a tertiary care Hospital of North Eastern State, Tripura of MRU,AGMC
Short Notice Inviting Quotation Rate contact for "Procurement of 100 nos of Humidifier for making 100 nos of oxygen concentrators functional in Dept. of Medicine, AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
E-Tender for Hiring of vehicle 32-Seater Bus (Diesel) for Transportation of Nursing Students of Agartala Government Nursing College, AGMC & GBPH, G+8 Building, IGM Hospital complex Agartala.
Tender for Medicines for the year 2024-25 under Medical Superintendent, AGMC&GBPH Agartala.
Procurement of soft tissue paper roll Length:125 mtrs.(2ply) used in the AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Rate Contract for supply of Disposables, Medicines, Suture & Devices (Package Wise) required for the Dept. of CTVS - IR at AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of certain ophthalmic drugs & surgical sutures use by the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ for Culture reagents of MRU,AGMC
SNIQ FOR "To determine the causes of Death in infants North-Eastern Region of India by Minimally Invasive Tissue sampling (MITS) technique: An ICMR Task Force Study". In the Department of Paediatrics, AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
ABRIDGED NIT for Rate contract for Providing manpower for Hostel Mess Service on outsourced basis in AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Procurement of certain ophthalmic drugs & surgical suture used by AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
SNIQ for Procurement of ECG use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
SNIQ To determine the causes of Death in infants North-Eastern Region of India by Minimally Invasive Tissue sampling (MITS) technique: An ICMR Task Force Study. In the Department of Paediatrics, AGMC& GBP Hospital, Agartala.
ABRIDGED Notice Inviting E-tender Rate Contact for supply of construction of simulated corners at different laboratories, Required for use in the Agartala Government Nursing College, under AGMC&GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Abridged Notice Inviting E-Tender for Rate Contact for supply of 20Nos Book shelf (Glass door), 1 no Catalogue Cabinet, 2 Nos Display Rack, Required for use in the Agartala Government Nursing College, under AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala.
Abridged Notice Inviting E-tender for Rate Contract for supply Consumable Articles Required for use in the Agartala Government Nursing College under AGMC &GBP Hospital, Agartala
SNIQ for Procurement of General items of I.E.C. Materials for creating awareness under the Department of Geriatric Medicine, AGMC&GBPH, Agartala.
PUBLICATION OF ABRIDGED Notice Inviting e-Tender
Notice inviting E-tender for Establishment of 2 no pharmacies for generic medicines other consumable item and devices at AGMC & GBPH
Notice inviting E-tender
Abridged Notice Inviting E-tender
SNIQ for Procurement of barcode use in the AGMC & GBPH, Agartala.
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| Page last updated on : 11/09/2024 05:19 pm