Title Downloadable File
2 post for Laboratory technician are required for the Multidisciplinary Unit (DHR sponsored) of Agartala Govt. Medical College. Lab Tech (02 posts)_MRU_AGMC.pdf
Walk-in interview for the post of Project Technical Support II (Health assistant) for a project at AGMC & GBP Hospital. Walk-in interview for the post of Project Technical Support II (Health assistant) for a project at AGMC & GBP Hospital.
Walk-In-Interview for VRDL and NOHP-PCZ, Department of Microbiology, AGMC Walk_in_Interview_VRDL_One_health.pdf
Recruited One Research Scientist-I (Scientist -B) and Two Laboratory Technicians at MRU,AGMC Advertisement 06-Feb-2025 15-31-20.pdf
Final result for the post of Laboratory Assistant AGMC Final result for the post of Laboratory Assistant.pdf
Final result for the post of Laboratory Technician Final result for the post of Laboratory Technician.pdf
Recruitment advertisement for PROJECT TECHNICAL SUPPORT -III (Psychologist) under the project Strategic Multimodal Intervention in at -risk Elderly Indians for Prevention of Dementia "SMRUTHI-INDIA" advertisement(1) 05-Feb-2025 11-25-54(2).pdf
Publishing the advertisement of walk in interview for "Surveillance of food borne disease pathogens (FBP) from North-east India" ICMR Project Technical Support-III (1).pdf
Walk-in-interview notice for Data Manager for State AMR Surveillance & Laboratory Technician for the project titled "National Programme on AMR Containment" Walk-in-interview for Data Manager for State AMR Surveillance & Laboratory Technician.pdf
Candidate Corrigendum Interview notice for Laboratory Technician under the project titled Evaluation of the role of S1P in tribal P.faleiparum malaria for its potential therapeutic consideration" of MRU, AGMC. Agartala. Candidate Corrigendum.pdf