Title Downloadable File
Eligibility-Non-eligibility list of Candidates and Written/Interview Notice for the post of Laboratory Assistant under MRU, AGMC. Eligibility & non-eligibility list and interview Notice.pdf
Corrigendum for Laboratory Technician interview at AGMC &GBP Hospital,Agartala. Laboratory Technician Corrigendum.pdf
Interview Notice for the post of Laboratory Technician under MRU AGMC Interview Notice for the post of Laboratory Technician which will be held on 28-1-25 20-Jan-2025 15-05-11 (1).pdf
Eligibility List of ST candidates for the post of Laboratory Technician Eligibility List of ST candidates for the post of Laboratory Technician 20-Jan-2025 15-03-08.pdf
Vacancy notice for the temporary/contractual posts in the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, AIIMS, New Delhi vacancy notice.pdf
Notification for one post namely Laboratory Technician(ST) purely temporary and contractual is required for the ICMR funded project under Multi-disciplinary Research Unit, AGMC, Agartala, Tripura(W) Recruitment of Laboratory Technician 07-Jan-2025 16-46-33.pdf
Notification for one post namely Laboratory Assistant(UR) purely temporary and contractual is required for Multi-disciplinary Research Unit, AGMC, Agartala, West Tripura Employment Notice.pdf
Advertisement for recruitment project staff for the project "Effect of Health and wellness centers under Ayushman Bharat on out of pocket expenditure of Geriatric population: A Multicenter study" advertisement 07-Jan-2025 14-09-15.pdf
Notification for Walk In Interview for the post of Medical Physicist interview_0.pdf
Notification for IPR & APR form 2024 IPR & APR form 2024.pdf